When two people from different countries decide to share life. They bring their families together. And the families of their families. Connecting the world with love. The most beautiful aspect of globalization in my perception.
International weddings have a certain energy. Not easy to describe. Imagine a bunch of lively, travel-loving and open-minded people, celebrating. Their kids, playing together, even if they don´t speak the same language – it doesn´t matter. Isn´t it just a dream to have everybody you love, together at the same place, in the same day, at least once in a lifetime?
I´ve been looking forward to make a selection of my favorite moments of this wedding for quite a while now and there is no better moment, as my mind is slowly switching to the Spanish mode right now… (Barcelona, here we go!)
Julia, Fernando, gracias por permitirme estar parte de vuestra boda y especialmente por la hospitalidad de vosotros dos, vuestros familiares y amigos. Cuidaos mucho y espero veros pronto de nuevo.
Un abrazo,